Bush Administration Cuts Funding to Rhode Island Homeless Assistance Programs
The Bush Administration today announced a dramatic and surprising cut in funding for homeless assistance programs in Rhode Island. Rhode Island will receive 40 percent less in funding distributed through competitive grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Developments (HUD) Continuum of Care and Emergency Shelter Grants programs.In 2005 Rhode Island received $5.7 million. This year HU
I cannot understand why the Bush Administration would cut funding to Rhode Island programs, stated Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the lead Democrat on the Senate Housing Subcommittee. Rhode Island need has not changed and the quality of Rhode Island programs remains outstanding. This cut is unfathomable and I will work with my colleagues to learn why HUD has reduced Rhode Island funding.Continuums of Care grants provide permanent and transitional housing for homeless persons. In addition, Continuum grants fund important services including job training, health care, mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment and child care.Advent House Inc.$49,856Advent House Inc.$71,290Amos House$131,792Blackstone Valley Advocacy Center$32,470Crossroads Rhode Island$157,287East Bay Community Action Program ( formerly Self Help, Inc.)$60,898Family Resources Community Action$130,455House of Compassion$24,785House of Hope CDC$71,311Lucy's Hearth$23,423Nickerson Community Center$123,857Operation Stand Down Rhode Island$74,899Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless$34,440Rhode Island Veterans Action Center$39,527Rhode Island Housing Mortage and Finance Corporation $880,656SSTAR of Rhode Island$126,231The Providence Center$41,134Urban League of Rhode Island$300,000Urban League of Rhode Island$360,000Welcome House of South County/WARM$67,927Westbay CAP$60,295Emergency Shelter Grants convert buildings into homeless shelters, assist in the operation of local shelters and fund related social service and homeless prevention programs.Emergency Shelter Grants Allocations:Pawtucket$90,570Providence$248,941RI Non-Entitlement$346,602Woonsocket$58,443Read the HUD release: http://www.hud.gov/news/release.cfm?content=pr05-175.cfm