WASHINGTON, DC – After the House Republican Study Committee (RSC), which includes Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA), unveiled its budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year, including plans that would make harsh changes to Social Security such as raising the retirement age, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) warned that the Republican plan, which he called a “dangerous MAGA roadmap to cut Social Security” that would disproportionately harm seniors, veterans, and blue-collar workers.

The RSC, a bloc which comprises nearly 80 percent of House Republicans and includes every member of the House Republican leadership team, released its RSC budget blueprint this week that includes plans to raise the Social Security retirement age beyond 67 and would restructure Social Security and make $1.5 trillion in cuts to Social Security.

“Hardworking Americans depend on Social Security to make ends meet and retire with dignity.  I strongly oppose the Republican plan to gut Social Security and deny future retirees the benefits they earned.  We must protect and strengthen vital programs like Social Security and Medicare, not cut them,” said Senator Reed

Reed noted that the RSC released its plan in the wake of Donald Trump telling an interviewer this month that he would be open to cutting Social Security and Medicare if reelected.  Trump stated: “...there is a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting and in terms of also the theft and the bad management of entitlements.”

“When he was in office, Donald Trump included cuts to Social Security in his budget proposals.  Now he and his MAGA allies are at it again.  This time, Donald Trump opened the door even wider in terms of cutting Social Security if he returns to office.  The House Republican proposal is further proof that Republicans want to push those Social Security cuts through.  I urge Congress to resoundingly reject the dangerous MAGA roadmap to cut Social Security,” said Senator Reed.  “Congress should work together to help ensure working people can earn a fair wage and end the growing disparity in income inequality in recent decades.  If workers were fairly compensated and prioritized similar to shareholders, it would go a long way toward strengthening our economy.”

Social Security is an earned benefit that is based on the earnings on which people pay Social Security payroll taxes.  Today, more than 68 million Americans – including about 230,000 Rhode Islanders – rely on Social Security.  It helps not only seniors, but disabled workers and their families, as well as the minor children of a working parent who has passed away.

Reed, a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, helped include $14.2 billion in the minibus appropriations package now pending before Congress for the Social Security Administration (SSA).  Senator Reed supported inclusion of this federal funding to enhance the SSA’s customer service capabilities, hire more staff, and invest in information technology that will reduce wait times for in-person and phone service, and speed up accurate claims processing times.  Reed says this funding is a needed down payment toward ensuring the SSA can serve the American people.