WASHINGTON, DC – Today, after Attorney General William Barr issued a summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) urged the Department of Justice to make the full report and supporting documents available to Congress and the American people without further delay.

Senator Reed, the Ranking Member of the Armed Services Committee and an ex officio member of the Intelligence Committee, issued the following statement:

“The Special Counsel has filed his report.  Now the American people need to see the entire report and I urge the Attorney General to release the entire document and supporting evidence without delay.  If any part needs to be held back for national security reasons, that information and underlying evidence should be made available in a classified setting.

“President Trump’s Attorney General claims the evidence is not clear enough to charge the President, but notes “it also does not exonerate him.”  Let the American people see the report and decide.

“Filing this report does not end this process, as we know from every prior Special Counsel investigation.  The crucial next step is Congress fulfilling its constitutional oversight duty.  Mr. Mueller and others involved in the report should testify before Congress in open setting.

“This report is just one of several investigations of serious misconduct by the President and his inner-circle.

“Nobody in this country is above the law, and, if the President broke the law, he like any other American can and should be held accountable.”