PARIS, FRANCE – After gathering with President Joe Biden and world leaders in Normandy, France, on June 6 to mark the 80th  anniversary of the Allied D-Day landings during World War II, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today held a series of key meetings with European partners and allies.

Reed and a bipartisan congressional delegation met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in France.  After the meeting, Senator Reed issued the following statement:

“We just commemorated the eightieth anniversary of D-Day.  We celebrated the service and sacrifice of everyone – including thousands of brave Americans – who, on June 6, 1944, landed in Europe and changed the course of history.  Thousands of Americans died fighting for freedom and to help liberate people from tyranny.  They saved the world.

“Today, Ukrainians are defending themselves against Putin’s brutal, illegal invasion.  President Zelenskyy isn't asking the U.S. to send our servicemembers, just the tools and equipment Ukrainians need to defend themselves.  They serve as a bulwark against Putin's greed and ambition.

“Putin is a threat to peace and democracy around the world.  U.S. aid to Ukraine is a wise investment in America’s security that is helping to save innocent lives, combat the spread of authoritarianism, and strengthen global stability.  It is clearly in America's economic and security interests to support Ukraine’s battle to repel Putin’s aggression, which, if unchecked, could pull the U.S. and our allies into a bloodier, costlier conflict.”

codel 64Zelenskyy meeting in France