WASHINGTON, DC – Tonight, U.S. Senator Jack Reed issued the following statement after listening to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address:

“This speech sounded like a long, disjointed re-run.  President Trump mostly repackaged divisive themes, and made odd claims without evidence -- like we’d be at war with North Korea if he weren’t elected -- but failed to offer new solutions to move our nation forward.  His swipe at the former FBI Chief Robert Mueller’s independent investigation and congressional oversight of his administration was unbecoming in an address to the nation. 

“If President Trump wants to bridge partisan divides, he can start with a bipartisan transportation-housing infrastructure bill that would literally help build bridges and uplift communities.  If he wants to help heal old wounds, President Trump should stop trying to eliminate Affordable Care Act protections for people with preexisting conditions and instead work with Democrats to bolster the law.

“The American people are right to be skeptical about President Trump’s passing call for unity, because they see how divisively he has governed.  They know the federal government is not functioning as it should; that the economy must do better for average Americans; and that we need smart, effective investments to make America safer, stronger, and more prosperous.

“Tonight, we heard economic boasts using cherry-picked data.  But President Trump has chosen to enrich the wealthiest and shift a heavier economic burden on the middle-class.  Many working families filing their federal taxes this year are being hit with a bigger Trump tax bill in order to finance tax cuts for corporations and the powerful. 

“President Trump inherited a growing economy on the upswing from President Obama and jeopardized much of the momentum with unsteady leadership.  As a result, economic gains have been uneven, and opportunities have been missed. 

“He did share some stories of courageous individuals, from Holocaust survivors to members of the Greatest Generation.  And one area where we certainly have common ground is eradicating childhood cancer.   President Trump signed my Childhood Cancer STAR Act into law and I will continue working to deliver funding to help find new treatments, accelerate research, and improve outcomes for patients and families battling childhood cancer.  But it should be noted that he sought to shift money away from cancer research last year in order to cover costs associated with his family separation policy at the southern border.

“The American people deserve steady, stable leadership, a government that works, and elected officials who serve with integrity and uphold American values.

“It’s time to restore accountability and make government work again.  And in order to do that, Congress must provide meaningful oversight.

“I will continue advancing bipartisan solutions to raise wages, improve our schools, rebuild our infrastructure, lower drug prices and health care costs, and expand opportunities.

“I hope President Trump will change course and join Democrats in leading the country in a better direction, toward real bipartisan solutions that will improve the lives of all Americans, not just the wealthy and powerful.”