WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) tonight released the following statement on President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address:

“Tonight, the President gave an upbeat progress report and outlined several new opportunities to strengthen our economy and ensure the middle-class gets a fair shot.

“A healthy and productive economy requires a well-educated workforce.  We’ve got to ensure people have opportunities to find good jobs that pay fair wages.  And Congress must work together to close the stubborn income, employment, and education gaps that have held our economy back.  I support the President’s goal of ensuring that students willing to do the work can complete at least two years of community college or technical training beyond high school without the heavy burden of student loan debt. 

“We must also invest in our infrastructure -- repairing roads, building bridges, and increasing the economy’s productive capacity.  As the Ranking Member on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development, I will continue advocating for programs that improve our transportation and housing infrastructure and accelerate economic growth.

“We heard a lot tonight from the President about opportunity -- the need to expand opportunity for our students, businesses, and middle-class families.  The President also discussed the opportunities we have beyond our shores to use diplomacy together with our military might to create a safer world for our children.  And we need to take proactive steps to enhance cybersecurity, improve consumer privacy, and help prevent identity theft.

“These opportunities are not guaranteed.  They require real action.  And we have to work together to achieve and expand them so they will be there for future generations. 

“I look forward to working with this President and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to seize these opportunities and find effective solutions to the challenges ahead, as the state of our union continues to grow stronger.”
