WASHINGTON, DC – Today, after Senate Republicans unveiled their closely-guarded health care legislation, U.S. Senator Jack Reed issued the following statement:

“This bill is no way to improve health care in Rhode Island or the rest of the country.  Instead of an open bipartisan process, it’s been closed doors and secret negotiations, resulting in a fatally flawed bill.  Trumpcare-supporting Republicans can make all the claims they want, but their motives are obvious: they want massive tax cuts for the wealthiest at the expense of hardworking Americans whose lives, in many cases, depend on their access to care.  This bill will lead to millions of Americans from all walks of life - particularly seniors reliant on Medicaid and other vulnerable groups - being denied needed coverage, and it will only increase costs.  Lastly, as best as I can tell, no doctors, no nurses, no hospitals, and no patient groups support this product.  I’m going to keep working and fighting hard to stand up for our vulnerable populations and to help protect the millions of Americans in serious danger of losing their access to health care.”