WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Jack Reed issued a statement today after the U.S. Supreme Court’s 4-4 split decision on the case of United States v. Texas, which lets stand a lower court ruling against the President’s Executive Action to allow work permits for those who were brought to this country as young children:

“This deadlocked ruling leaves millions of families in jeopardy and highlights the need for Congress to stop dragging its feet and do its job on a host of issues pertaining to immigration reform.

“This ruling also highlights the need for Republicans in the Senate to cease their obstruction of Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland.  Our nation needs a functioning Supreme Court, and rulings like this one make that even more clear.  Big cases like this shouldn’t be decided by a short-handed Supreme Court.

“While I fear many Republicans will cheer this decision, most Americans want partisan obstruction and gridlock in Washington to end. 

“Congress needs to act so affected individuals in Rhode Island and across the country can have some clarity on their status, and families and our nation can move forward.”