WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Jack Reed today issued the following statement after President Donald Trump was sworn into office as the 45th President of the United States:

“Today, Donald Trump was sworn in as President.

“He now has the awesome privilege and responsibility of leading the strongest, most resilient nation on Earth.  He isn’t just the president of those who voted for him, he is the President of the United States of America. 

“Our nation faces many complex economic, security, and technological challenges and the President’s decisions and actions will have a profound impact on people’s lives and our nation’s future.

“I am determined to uphold our national values and global alliances.  As I always have, I will try to help build bridges rather than walls, and advance policies that expand opportunity for all Americans, not just the wealthy few.

“That was one of the darkest inauguration speeches I have ever heard.  President Trump’s inaugural message briefly touched on unity, but for many Rhode Islanders his past words and deeds are rightfully worrisome.  It is his responsibility to serve all Americans with respect.

“It is incumbent upon all of us to be engaged in our country’s future, to confront injustice, and to hold our leaders accountable.  In our democratic system of checks and balances, the greatest check of all is the American people. 

“America is constantly undergoing periods of renewal and realignment.  What remains constant is the pillars of our democracy and the strength of our people.  We can’t let apathy and cynicism set in.  When civic engagement is high, America always thrives.”