WASHINGTON, DC – As the Senate Armed Services Committee holds a series of hearings this week on North Korea and the Asia Pacific region, and the full U.S. Senate is scheduled to attend a classified meeting later today at the White House to discuss North Korea, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the Ranking Member of the Armed Services Committee, issued the following statement:

“I have serious concerns about the North Korean threat to the region and the United States. 

“North Korea’s nuclear and missile program is, by far, the most immediate and concerning national security challenge our country faces.  We must work with our allies, particularly South Korea, Japan, and others, as well as our partners in the region, to neutralize the North Korean threat.

“Thus far, the Trump Administration has not set forth a coherent policy when it comes to North Korea.  And the President’s posturing through tweets does not inspire confidence from our allies.  Instead of communicating in 140 characters, the President needs a more thoughtful and strategic messaging campaign.

“The President needs to put forth a plan for strategic deterrence.  There isn’t a simple military solution here.  We need a multi-faceted approach that includes engagement, diplomacy, and sanctions.”