WASHINGTON, DC – Today, after President Trump tweeted that U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt is doing a “great job,” U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) issued the following statement calling for Administrator Pruitt to be fired immediately for repeated misdeeds, ethical lapses, and misuse of taxpayer funds:

“Any one of Administrator Scott Pruitt’s misdeeds, repeated ethical failures, air travel abuses, and extravagance with taxpayer funds could be grounds for his dismissal.  Mr. Pruitt seems to think the rules don’t apply to him.  His offenses demonstrate contempt for the public trust and the office he holds. 

“The Republicans in Congress need to start holding the Trump Administration accountable through vigorous oversight, just as they did under Presidents Bush and Obama.

“It is unacceptable for the EPA Administrator to get a sweetheart housing deal from the wife of an energy lobbyist.  No doubt Mr. Pruitt’s landlord was a fan of his work as head of the EPA.  Indeed, Mr. Pruitt’s primary function seems to be rolling back environmental protections and helping the fossil fuel industry. 

“The reassignment, retaliation, or punishment of EPA employees – including those on his security detail who would not allow Mr. Pruitt to misuse emergency sirens to cut through traffic -- also needs to be further investigated.

“Scott Pruitt should have resigned or been fired by now.  The American people deserve better.  Mr. Pruitt’s actions have betrayed taxpayers and undermined the fundamental mission of the EPA.”

Senator Reed voted against Mr. Pruitt’s nomination, but he was confirmed by the full U.S. Senate on a 52-46 vote a day after a federal judge ruled the Oklahoma Attorney General’s office must turn over thousands of emails related to Mr. Pruitt’s communications with fossil fuel companies, which the U.S. Senate was unable to review prior to the vote.