April 18, 2011
North Kingston- Senator Reed Visits NOAA Ship Bigelow at Quonset
Henry B. Bigelow supports NOAA's mission to protect, restore and manage the use of living marine, coastal, and ocean resources through ecosystem-based management. Its primary objective is to study and monitor Northeast Marine Fisheries, throughout New England. The ship also observes weather, sea state, and other environmental conditions, conducts habitat assessments, and surveys marine mammal and marine bird populations.
The Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation recently issued a $191,000 sub-award for the second year in a row to this team to cover the costs of doing the survey work in southern New England waters. The CFRF's ability to do this is directly attributable to Senator Reed's past efforts to secure over $3.4 million in federal funding for cooperative fisheries research for the CFRF to administer since 2008.