Senator Reed was joined by Senator Whitehouse, Amy Grzybowski, Acting Town Manager for the Town of Westerly, and other officials to celebrate the completion of the Westerly Town Beach Pavilion rehabilitation project.
Wind and wave impacts from Hurricane Sandy substantially damaged Westerly’s Old Town Beach Pavilion in 2012, including the complete destruction of the septic system. Reed, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, was instrumental in securing $1.35 million in federal funds to rebuild the pavilion in the aftermath of the storm.
The rehabilitation of the Old Town Beach Pavilion included elevating the structure approximately four feet, installing a new onsite wastewater treatment system, reconstructing the stairways and ramps to accommodate the elevation change and relocation of the building, and upgrading the roof and windows to withstand 120mph winds.
Following Hurricane Sandy, Reed together with the federal delegation worked to provide over $100 million for Rhode Island’s recovery efforts, including $20 million through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery program.